The more information we have about the damage that plastic causes for the planet, the more plastic we produce. Paradoxical, right?
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That single-use plastic has harmful and irreversible effects on the planet is no secret. Still, from 2000 to 2016, the same amount of plastic was made as from 1950 to 2000, according to a 2019 WWF report. And the pace keeps growing. The more information we have about the damage that plastic causes for the planet, the more plastic we produce. Paradoxical, right?
This situation is leading us to leave a layer of sediment made of new materials such as plastic, aluminum, cement or chicken bones. The scientific world is using the term Anthropocene to define this new stage, which emerged around 1950. This fossil record and the global impact that human activities have on Earth is what most significantly characterizes the Anthropocene, as explained in the Ar@cne magazine of the University of Barcelona.
Faced with the unmeasured increase in single-use plastic, there are many organizations and activists who are mobilizing to remedy it. In the Menja, Actua, Impacta exhibition, you will find several truly innovative alternatives.
Visit the exhibition, for more information click here.